We recommend exfoliating your lips 1-2 times per week.
If your lips are particularly dry or chapped, you can increase the frequency to 3-4 times per week. Just make sure to give your lips a break in between sessions to avoid further irritation.
The power of lmjskincare herbal glow oil is in how it repairs, protects, moisturizes and adds gleam to the skin. Contains Herbal properties
Stretchmark set for old and stubborn strechmark. This LMJSKINCARE’s ultimate solution for to minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
Rescues! Heals! Enhance skin regeneration. This LMJSKINCARE’s rescue kit minimize the appearance of stretch marks while.
✨Body polish ✨ Exfoliating helps in Getting rid of the hyperpigmentation areas on the skin and softening of the affected areas.
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